Battery Recycling Policy
Battery Recycling Policy
Automotive Batteries
When a primary battery in your vehicle reaches its end of life, it can be delivered to the facilities listed below for disposal.
- Garages
- Civic amenity and recycling centres
- Local authority battery collection schemes (please check with your local council)
- Licensed scrap yards
- Authorised treatment facilities (car dismantlers etc.)
To find the easiest way to dispose of your battery please search the Recycling Near You directory.
As a producer of automotive batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, we Aston Martin Lagonda are obliged to collect, free of charge and within a reasonable time, waste automotive batteries for treatment and recycling from final holders e.g. garages, scrap yards, end-of-life vehicle Authorised Treatment Facilities, Civic Amenity Sites, etc. We are required to do this in any calendar year we place new automotive batteries on the market.
If you require us to take back any automotive batteries, please contact Cartakeback or call Cartakeback on 0845 257 32 33. Our partners at Cartakeback will agree the necessary arrangements for the collection, proper treatment and recycling of the waste automotive batteries.
The disposal of waste industrial and automotive batteries by landfill or by incineration is banned from 1 January 2010.
Aston Martin Lagonda’s Battery Producer Registration Number is BPRN00982.