Racing. Green.
Aston Martin is embracing a new, driving ambition: to be a world-leading sustainable ultra-luxury automotive business. This ambition is the central objective of our sustainability strategy, Racing. Green.
Our sustainability strategy embeds principles and goals that will continue to power our progress. It makes sustainability more than one part of what we do; it makes sustainability part of everything we do.
To find out more about our sustainability strategy, Racing. Green. read on below.

Tackling Climate Change
Our Racing Green sustainability strategy is transforming our business. To address climate change we plan to move from making Internal Combustion Engine cars to electrified vehicles which can be charged with renewable energy. Our first Plug-in Electric Hybrid Vehicle (‘PHEV’), Valhalla, is on course to enter production in 2024, followed by our first Battery Electric Vehicle (‘BEV’), which is targeted for launch in 2026.
We are aiming to reduce CO2 emissions from our manufacturing facilities with a goal to reach net zero manufacturing facilities by 2030, and to be net zero across our supply chain by 2039.
Creating a better environment
We’re targeting zero single use plastic packaging waste from our manufacturing facilities by 2025, a 15% reduction in water consumption at our manufacturing operations by the same year, and maximisation of our use of sustainable materials. We will also improve biodiversity at our manufacturing facilities, which are home to a host of species including birds such as the Grasshopper Warbler.

Investing in People and Opportunity
We're aiming for world-class safety performance, delivering industry-leading apprenticeships and training, and building a more diverse and inclusive workplace. We want women in 25% of leadership positions by 2025 and in 30% of leadership positions by 2030. We will continue to support communities and inspire young people to pursue careers in manufacturing.

Exporting Success
Aston Martin is an iconic British brand with a global reputation for products that deliver the ultimate in performance and luxury. Exporting to over 50 countries, we’re proud to showcase the very best of British advanced engineering and design worldwide, and remain committed to working with government to promote the UK’s wider exporting success.
Delivering the Highest Standards
We are committed to delivering the highest standards, ensuring compliance and embracing best practice. Our Board Sustainability Committee oversees the delivery of our sustainability strategy and the work of our ten working groups, focussing leading expertise from across Aston Martin to achieve our goals.

Find out more
Find out more about our sustainability strategy, Racing. Green. and how we are performing by downloading our sustainability report here or email sustainability@astonmartin.com