Be afraid. Not of what’s to come. But what we might lose.
Forever fearless
Valour is here. An extremely limited edition celebratory car commemorating 110 years of Aston Martin. With the intention to connect driver and machine again and bring back feelings the road forgot. It’s a tribute to the golden era of driving when cars were seductive, wild, beautiful.
Valour is proof we can still dance on the edge and become one with the very soul of a car. Challenging and delighting us with every gear shift. This white knuckled, open hearted, adrenaline-filled thrill is what we live and drive for. Every detail is engineered to bring back what the road has lost.
Retro futurism at its finest
Valour was inspired by the timeless designs of legendary Aston Martin race cars of the 70s, meticulously intertwining their DNA with an ultra-modern full carbon body of tomorrow.
Valour’s interior is a place for work, audaciously featuring a rich mix of intoxicating materials selected for their romantic charm and purposeful function.
Valour offers infinite options and unique, individually-commissioned specifications that are integrated from the start to satisfy the most discerning drivers.
Limited to 110 fearless drivers
Only 110 examples of Valour are being created, every one unique, to celebrate 110 years of Aston Martin.
An insatiable force of power
Never before has Aston Martin daringly combined a 5.2-litre V12 engine with a manual gearbox.