
Threading the feel of the road through every trace of car

Primed by engineering premieres. Five innovations to plant tarmac into your palms. Shaped and smoothed to stiffen your edges and syphon power to the point of no return. Before you feel the road, find out what connects you so unapologetically to it.

An intravenous connection to the road

The tarmac. Talking fluently through the tyres to your fingertips. Paving an unadulterated connection to the road.
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Dampened to dance on a tightrope

Disarming the inconsistencies in the road. To arm you with the smoothness of decision-making to stare the limit in the eye.
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Class-leading power and speed establish its credentials, but it’s the expert application of technologies to a front-engine rear-drive chassis that has created a sports car with addictive capability.
Amedeo Felisa
Chief Executive Officer

Surging through the cusp of the corner

The apex of torque shaping. Surging through the gears. To catapult you out of the corner.
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A sixth sense of control

A seventh heaven of agility mounted on six dimensions of real-time monitoring, giving you a platform to revel in the limit.
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Pirouetting on the perfectly precise

50/50 weighting. Classic, front mid-engine, rear-wheel drive configuration. Delivering precision on a sixpence. And thrill on a whim.
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Power hp
Top Speed mph
0-62 MPH s